Coin Holder

Version 1

This is a coin holder designed for €2, €1, and 50c coins. It can fit up to 6 coins of each type (before it starts becoming hard to use).

The springs used are 30mm in length, 12mm in outer diameter, and 0.7mm wire diameter.

If you plan to use it in a car, it is recommended to print it from a heat resistant plastic like ABS.

Print settings

For ABS:

Initial Layer Height: 0.2mm

Layer Height: 0.1mm

Wall Count: 5

Infill: 20%

Infill Pattern: Grid

Rafts: No

Supports: No

Cooling: Off

Print Speed: 90mm/s

To remove white marks on the bottom surfaces of the parts, try heating them up.

Assembly instructions

Coin Holder with coins MCH170
Coin Holder with coins MCH170
Coin Holder parts MCH170
Coin Holder empty MCH170
Coin Holder bottom side MCH170